Rey Ward

Rey Ward,Youth Advocate at YWCA Pierce County

Rey Ward
YWCA Pierce County
Youth Advocate

YWCA Pierce County
Youth Advocate

Rey Ward (they, them) has been a Youth Development professional for 11+ years and has moved around in the field from summer camps, youth sports, after-school programs, leadership development, and more.

Graduating from Western Washington University with a BA in Recreation, Rey has worked for the Boys and Girls Club, Metro Parks Tacoma, and a variety of non-profits. Currently, they work for the YWCA of Pierce County as a Youth Advocate providing support and trauma-informed care to families and teens impacted by Intimate Partner Violence and Domestic Violence. In addition, they work with their team to facilitate prevention and education workshops designed to reduce instances of Teen Dating Violence and promote healthy relationship behaviors.

Since beginning work for the YWCA, Rey has become passionate about equipping young people with tools to talk about all types of relationships (friends, dating, family, work), reflecting on how we can be healthier/safer, and breaking down the systems of power and control in order to grow together. Rey is a fierce advocate and member of the LGBTQIA+ community, an ever-learning anti-racist activist, and an amplifier of Youth Voice.

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